Conference on Mental Health and the Church

Mental Health & The Church

Click here for more information about the event


I just found out about this event today. After talking it over with Monica, we decided I needed to attend. I used to travel the country conducting seminars and speaking at events on the topic of using media in the church. My book, “Media Ministry Made Easy”, and my website,, were the go-to resources for many churches from 1999 to 2008 (I previously served as Media Minister under Lance Witt in Las Cruces, NM). During these years I was struggling with health issues, including Dystonia and the loss of my left hip at age 31. The physical burdens, along with the stress of “success”, and a myriad of medications quickly led to mental health issues. There were multiple suicide attempts, self-harm and hospitalizations. In 2008, I sold my business/ministry and asked my publisher to take my book out of print. Things went even more downhill from there. To make a long story short, I “re-entered” life and conquered opiate dependency after a serious breakdown in 2013. I still struggle with occasional depression, but I am making progress in that area.

I have felt (even during those dark years) that God’s next step for me is to put my speaking, writing and media presentation talents into health awareness for churches. I’m interested in addressing the needs and lifting the stigma in the areas of both physical and mental health. It is my hope that this conference will help me in my efforts to be an instrument for God in helping the church understand the need for more ministry in this area. With only my wife working right now, this is a financial stretch for us, but I’m confident that it will pay off. Please pray that God opens up my eyes, ears, and heart to learn all He will be teaching me during these days.  This is my first time traveling solo since 2008, so it’s a big step. I’m looking forward to it.


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